Picture of Dan Donoghue

Dan Donoghue

Deploying BGInfo with Intune

This is purely robbed from this Reddit post with me un-fucking the formatting so it works.

The basic instructions are to:

  1. Get BGInfo from Sysinternals
  2. Run BGInfo, create your template, and save it as bginfo.bgi
  3. Get IntuneWinAppUtil.exe from this GitHub repo
  4. Package the scripts, template, and BGInfo
  5. Add the package to Intune, and deploy it

Creating the .intunewin package

You’ll need an install/uninstall script, which are shown here. Dump these in a folder as install.ps1 and uninstall.ps1 along with your bginfo.bgi templace and BGInfo64.exe. Since this is for labbing, I won’t bother with signing or any of that stuff.

The next step is to run intunewinutil.exe -c SOURCE -s bginfo64.exe -o DESTINATION -q. Once this is done, you’ll have a .intunewin file you can upload as a Win32 application.

Creating the app in Intune

In this deployment I just used the all-devices deployment group, but you can target it at any group you want. I’ve done this on my setup for the virtio-win driver MSI so that it only installs on machines with a quick device.deviceManufacturer -eq "QEMU" rule.

Install command: powershell -ex bypass -file install.ps1
Uninstall command: powershell -ex bypass -file uninstall.ps1
Detection folder: C:\Program Files\BGInfo
Detection file: bginfo.bgi